Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 3

Yesterday was like hitting a pothole in the road and realising you don't have a spare tire for your car. Basically it was pretty much a disaster!! And I am a bit disappointed that I couldn't keep up to speed on the program! :( I have a LONG way to go! Yesterday was pretty dismal:
75 lunges
70 seconds plank (each side + front)
30 (YES :(... ) pushups

I really tried to do more but my arms were so incredibly sore they were not wanting to move. I took a disprin to eleviate the inflammation and put on some Deep Heat like cream to try help. They are still a bit sore today but much better. Today I will reattempt but today I also need to do some back exercises. I also want to go for a run today with some sprinting laps. AAAH why is the day so short!!

I suspect this will not end up being a months challenge!
The diet was pretty good until we went to the night market:
7.30am - cappuccino + 1 sugar (with the bf's mom)
9am - muesli + 1 scoop meal replacement + boiling water (joy, no milk in the house!)
10.30am - 0.5L water + 1 whole papaya fruit (like a paw-paw)
11am - 1 small block of cheddar cheese
12.30pm - 2 slices of low GI bread + 2 boiled eggs + 1 tbls mayo + 0.5L water
2pm - 100g yoghurt + 2 glasses of water
5.30pm (Night market) - 1/2 an EXTREMELY large lamb tortilla wrap with pineapple, cheddar, lettuce, carrot, tomato) (This I felt bad about, because it is super high in calories and probably totally not on plan) but I couldn't be rude as my friend was buying it as a post-birthday present. My mom went to the Greek stall and bought a whole lot of milk tart slices...mine is still in the fridge - of which my younger brother has now eaten
6pm - 1 Homemade lemonade (night market)
Walk on the beach until 7.30pm
0.5L water

My arms are feeling more solid and so are my legs so thats a good sign of progress even although I feel like I am failing miserably! I am wondering if I can substitute some push ups for some bicep curls and tricep kickbacks (my fav exercise! :))


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