Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 4 back in the game

Yeah baby!!! Whoohoo!! Yesterday I did it!! I managed my 100 push ups, 100 secs plank each side and forward and 100 lunges and a very short 1.5km run/jog/walk effort. I wanted to do a full on proper run but the boyfriend had surgery 8 days ago with a big gash across his chest and the wound/stitches were pulling and hurting so then we couldn't run anymore. But at least we did something! Muscles today are ok, arms a little sore but basically fine. Today I am going to attempt to do it again and Sunday is my rest day, which means I am starting to lag behind on the 3000 challenge but even if I can't finish it in 29 days, I will finish it!!
Diet yesterday was okay:

coffee + 1 sugar
muesli +1 scoop meal replacement + fat free milk
1 multivitamin + 1500mg vitamin c
apple + 0.5L water
1/2 milk tart slice without the crust (just the milk filling part) (off program but oh well..could've been worse)
1 banana
1 large fillet of hake fish (not crumbed)  and half a potato (+1 glass of water)
15 thin slices of biltong + 0.5L water
2/3 - 1 cup wholewheat pasta in naptolitana (tomato based sauce) with chicken and a few pieces of the BFs pasta (basil pesto penne with chicken) + water water water

I nearly stopped at 70 push ups but I knew I could do more so I persevered and got through it. Stoked!

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